Wednesday, March 26, 2008

time, where does it go?

If you had to make a list of what you had done with the past twenty-four hours, would you be happy with it? I know I wouldn't. I can't believe how much time it takes me to get out of the house in the morning, or clean up the kitchen at night. And I really truly don't know how neat people stay neat all the time, and keep their houses neat!

Although I think comparisons are seldom helpful and certainly not comfortable, I'm tempted. Surely I spend more time buying fresh produce and cooking meals from scratch than some people do, but since that's the norm for me, it doesn't feel like it's worth much. I know I don't spend much time chatting with friends, more's the pity; and I log zero hours at the beauty shop getting manicures, and only a haircut every couple of months. I hardly ever watch tv or go to the movies, so where the heck does my time go? Okay, I get a massage maybe once every other month, or less. Can't remember one this year yet.

Of course there's a fast answer, that I spend too much time on the computer, but I'm not going there. I fasted from blogging for most of December, didn't I? What did it get me? Time to get packages mailed, but no Christmas cards sent.

Is there a word like 'klutz' that means clumsy with time? Probably one in Yiddish, and if not, there should be.

Today I took my car to the garage for its ABS (brakes) recall, and then had to cancel my eye appointment. Could have gotten a ride, I found out later, but the appointment time had already been filled. Darn. I was scheduled for a mammogram tomorrow but had a training at work postponed from last week interfere, so had to reschedule for Friday. Don't you ever wonder what's the point of scheduling ahead? Things come up, and you have to change everything. It's darned inconvenient.

The refrigerator wasn't very cold this morning, and Bill said the freezer hadn't been quite closed. Tonight he said he thought maybe it wasn't quite closed, and the refrigerator seems to have maintained on cool but not cold enough. The freezer still is making ice, but Bill says he can't hear the condenser come on, and no cool air is flowing upwards into the frig. Great. Now I'll have to cancel something else to stay home and wait for another appliance repairman! Well, if I can get to the paint store tomorrow, maybe I can at least start painting the living room while I wait for the repairman.

Where does your time go? Can you believe that everyone has 24 hours a day, just like you? Some people sure do a lot more with their hours than I do. But do they enjoy it?


Keanan Brand said...

Sometimes I bring work home, not because I'm a workaholic (been there, done that, kicked the habit), but because I often feel more relaxed at home; I can slot in some chores in between filling out reports, or maybe I can be entertained by TV or a movie while I'm doing something dull or repetative.

And then there are times when I leave projects incomplete and just walk out of the office. Yeah, I might get more done if I brought the work home, but sometimes you just gotta let the mind and the body rest, and not cram the day with too much stuff.

Wren said...

It would be wonderful to bring work home. Wish I could do that. My mini vacations from work include driving a new road to get some pictures, as I did today. That's good for the soul.

Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment. I'll come hunt for your blog too, maybe tomorrow though. This day is about full.

Dianna Woolley said...

Oh, this sounds so familiar, the loss of time and where does it go? Some days I feel so productive and can't do enough I'm so organized and capable and then there are those days that absolutely defy me to figure out "what I did" with the time.

I'm trying to set myself up to realize that without the steady regular hours of - go to work, do the tasks, come home, do the tasks - I am free to do "other" things, like read a book or enjoy my blogger buds, or take a drive for pictures as you did. It's very well spent time - this being able to take care of ourselves. I'm finding these moments available, not because I've been fired, but because I've retired. That's a huge story in itself and one musn't spend time yearning for that day, but what a blessing if one can let go and enjoy it:)

The Winding Mind