Monday, March 17, 2008

Give yourself a laugh

I've been having fun making lolcats ever since I saw one in somebody's blog. Give yourself a good break from seriousness and try it out sometime!


Ted Marshall said...

I adore lolcats! I have to confess it's the first blog I check in the morning. Often it has me laughing out loud. I like this one.

jlh said...

Wren, thanks for taking time to comment on my post. I love lolcats, haven't seen them before. I'll look forward to reading your blog. Fiction is a tough racket but rewarding, once you get into it. Sometimes I think reality is a story God is telling.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

okay first i have to say that i have the funniest story about a cat just like involves seeing a neighbors cat that was the same color as this one but didn't have the smooshy face and then seeing the back of that cat in her window only to have it turn around toward the window and look at me...and ack! smooshy face! seems she had gotten a new cat but i thought for a moment that the old cat had been smooshed. okay, might not seem funny in a long-winded comment but...
seeing this post made me smile!

anyway, i wanted to let you know that i saw your comment on my blog but i can't find an email to respond to can print out my post and share it with your group...of course. thank you for asking. feel free to email me if you require anything else - waywardtulip at gmail dot com.

blessings to you,

The Winding Mind