Sunday, February 10, 2008

Owyhee Crack

The picture above is one I took from our little plane on the way back from Oxnard, California, last summer. I was looking through my photos, hunting for a winding road, when I found this one. It amazes me how much twisting and turning a riverbed takes, even when it's at the bottom of a steep canyon, as is this one from the south of Oregon.

Today was the first Sunday in Lent, with its lengthy litany that brings to our minds all the ways we've fallen short and asks for the Lord's deliverance. The Great Litany was the first part of the Roman Catholic liturgy to be translated, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, into English; and people were worried that it might attract the Lord's vengeance. It did not, and England's defeat of the Spanish Armada gave them reason for relief.

My prayer for all of you during this season of Lent is that you'll take the time to be introspective. Look over your life, where you've been and where you're headed. Do what you can to make amends for things done wrong or left undone. Make peace with your family and your friends. Make peace with yourself. Open yourself to peace from God.

1 comment:

Anjuli said...

I love this blog- you've really done a great job with the pictures. It comes alive- and makes the words come alive as well.

The Winding Mind