Thursday, February 07, 2008

Not timeless poetry, but poetry in time

I have written several poems to prompts from Christine's Poetry Invitation, but never before in time to enter them in her bi-monthly contests. Thanks to Sunrise Sister, I now can post the actual picture above my poem. Thanks, Sister!

To take up her invitation to poetry, which happens every other Monday, check the link below. You'll enjoy her wonderful site any day of the week.


Only when the flouncy sea has hiked her
skirts up high and left to meet her lover
in the daily deeps,
only then can we see, on the beach,
what’s left behind.

Only when our buzzing lives are sidetracked
by the weather, death, some accident
of time that leaves us stranded, makes the
pass impassable—
only then can we hear, in the pause,
what’s possible inside.

I think I'll write another verse sometime, but not tonight. :)


Dianna Woolley said...

This IS a beautiful poem! I hope you sent it to "Abbey" prior to today. But, if not, save it and use it for the next party. Anyway, I love the imagery you've put down and you definitely need the picture to emphasize in what a lovely way it accompanies the scene.

So, I too have had some difficulty copying photos. One way is to copy it by using the Edit tab at the top left of our MACs. Then paste onto a word document, then save as a .jpeg file. Then you can insert it by picking up the .jpeg photo.

Another thing I've done (when the above didn't work). I downloaded an additional internet engine, keeping Safari also. Google FIREFOX and get a free download of FIREFOX. Then before you get ready to cut and paste and stuff, open the internet with FF instead of Safari. It let me directly copy the Abbey photo by cutting/pasting to Word/easily saving as .jpeg

Hope this helps. You'll probably have to play with it a little bit before it makes sense.

Christine's Abbey of the Arts is a terrific site. She is a licensed spiritual director known personally by "Lucy". I hope to meet her one of these days. I believe she imparts such wonderful thoughts and words to reflect upon and to live by.

Rebecca Johnson said...

Read you poem on Christine's site and stopped by to say how deeply moved I was by the beauty of your words and the vast truth imparted in your few lines. I am a lover of poems that seem to be able to encompass the greatest spiritual and emotional questions without talking them to death. Your lovely poem fits my bill! I am a spiritual director like Christine (I met her at a retreat that she led) and often use poetry in my sessions. May I use yours sometime?


Rebecca from Alaska

Wren said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your help, Sunrise Sister! Using Firefox, I dragged the picture onto my desktop and uploaded easily.

And, for your wonderful words of encouragement, Rebecca, I am deeply grateful. You may certainly use this poem however you find it may be helpful.

The Winding Mind