Blogging, to me, is a spiritual exercise, both in the writing and in the reading. Maybe not always, but when it’s at its best, it is an authentic medium for people to reveal the deepest thoughts and yearnings of their souls. When I write my blog thoughtfully, I give voice to who I am and what has influenced me. I become a little more than I was before I wrote about it. It is a medium of actualization.
Sometimes I use my writing time to discover things about myself and my world that I didn’t consciously know. You’ve all done that. You’ve typed out something and found yourself saying, “Where did that come from?” You credit your muse. I credit my unconscious, and even the collective unconscious, the spirit within. Maybe that’s the same thing? Whatever it is, it is the source of creativity, and creativity is definitely spiritual.
PHOTO By oldcactuswren Backyard Tree Peony
I read once that an important value in having a spouse is that they are witnesses to our lives, as our parents were to our childhood. They can chronicle what happened to us, and how we reacted. They know us.
Even those of us who are fortunate to have loving spouses may feel that they do not always know our innermost being. They maybe aren’t even particularly interested in the wanderings of our minds when they aren’t directly interacting with us or profiting from what we’ve been doing. E.g., Bill is happy that I made bean soup yesterday, but he has no attachment to how enchanted I am with the look of a handful of dried black beans in their shiny, ebony perfection and their little white eyes. They look like smooth river rocks, and if I were building a sand castle, I’d want black beans to line the moat.
Now that’s a silly example maybe, but it’s what I meant. Our imaginations go off in interesting ways, unknown to others who don’t read what we write. There’s a depth in all of us that doesn’t surface in our ordinary conversations about our activities of daily living. Who else, except the person with a very attentive listener, has the opportunity to reflect on her day, with its puzzles and its delights, besides a blogger? Who else takes the time to focus the lens of his mind both inward and outward? Poets, philosophers, those who meditate—sure, there are people who do take those daily journeys. But how many of them share what they find like bloggers do?
Reading the blogs of others is like seeing the world through many more sets of eyes, feeling the pulse of people throughout the world as they view their own unique circumstances that are out of our sight. By reading, we have a little better sense of what it’s like to be the mother of a soldier, a greeter at Wal-mart, a woman who was raped as a girl, a daughter with the care of her parents on her shoulders. We find we have things in common with people who are gay, or who live in Africa, or who struggle with addictions. Blogging opens up the world of others to us, and it opens our own world to us as well.
Here’s a quote from Thomas Merton that brings all this into my frame of reference: “His one Image is in us all, and we discover Him by discovering the likeness of His image in one another.”
I love this post, it's my experience also. I didn't know what to expect when I started blogging, but it's become very important to me - as you say both in the writing and in the reading.
Someone asked me the other day how I can bear to bare (there's a nice phrase!) my inner thoughts in public. It is strange, because I'm quite a private person, but it doesn't worry me one jot. It's something to do with the digital exchange of ideas and community.
Previous comment had too many typos. Thanks for putting into words something of the joy of blogging. I regularly find myself thinking "where did that come from?" The connectivity with others also is so rich in blogging. Your pictures are exquisite. It must be unreal for a dying person to have someone with a listening heart like yours walk in the room.
This is a beautiful post! I've been away from the blogsite for a couple of weeks now and have really missed it. (I see from your posts' dates that you've been busy in other places also.) Anyway, I could not let the evening go by tonight without letting you know what a lift this post gave to me - "on blogging: Blog on!" - absolutely. Thank you:)
yes, those little things we find out about ourselves as we put pen to paper or type away on the keypad...and, of course, the wonderful places where our hearts connect with another as words they share resonate deep within as this post did with me.
you have articulated this beautifully. thank you for sharing. blog on!!
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